Work with text

A directory of text services will help you solve most tasks related to creating and processing various forms of textual information. These services range from virtual keyboards and text generators to text statistics and analytics. All services are free.

A1Z26 cipher

A1Z26 is a simple method of encrypting text in which each letter of the alphabet is assigned a specific number, determined by its number.

Atbash cipher

A simple substitution cipher for alphabetical writing in which the n-th letter of the alphabet is replaced by the letter m - n + 1.

Bacon cipher

A two-letter binary cipher in which alphabet letters are replaced by symbols 'A' and 'B' based on binary coding rules and principles.

Caesar Cipher

Caesar shift is a type of cipher in which each character is replaced by a character shifted by a certain number in the alphabet.

Generator of English Names and Surnames

Generator of English male and female Surnames and First Names with settings

Generator of Spanish Names

Generator of Spanish male and female surnames and names with additional settings

Japanese Name Generator

Online generator of authentic Japanese male and female surnames and names with customizable additional settings.

Random password generator

A tool for generating random passwords based on specified character types and lengths.

Vernam cipher

Encryption and decryption of texts using the Vernam method with a one-time pad is a symmetric stream cipher that uses a random key to encrypt text.

Vigenere cipher

The Vigenere cipher is a type of cipher consisting of a sequence of multiple Caesar ciphers with different shift values.

Фильтр по разделам
Data encryption