Data encryption

Services for encrypting and decrypting various data using popular encryption algorithms: Vigenère, Caesar, Atbash, Bacon, A1Z26, Hash functions.

A1Z26 cipher

A1Z26 is a simple method of encrypting text in which each letter of the alphabet is assigned a specific number, determined by its number.

Atbash cipher

A simple substitution cipher for alphabetical writing in which the n-th letter of the alphabet is replaced by the letter m - n + 1.

Bacon cipher

A two-letter binary cipher in which alphabet letters are replaced by symbols 'A' and 'B' based on binary coding rules and principles.

Caesar Cipher

Caesar shift is a type of cipher in which each character is replaced by a character shifted by a certain number in the alphabet.

Vernam cipher

Encryption and decryption of texts using the Vernam method with a one-time pad is a symmetric stream cipher that uses a random key to encrypt text.

Vigenere cipher

The Vigenere cipher is a type of cipher consisting of a sequence of multiple Caesar ciphers with different shift values.