
A catalog of converters that transform values from one measurement system to another online. We can help you calculate liquid masses, determine the number of days between dates, and convert hectares to square meters.

Coordinate сonverter

The geographic coordinates converter is designed for conversion of geographic coordinates between formats such as DD and DMS

Days between dates calculator

Calculator for calculating the number of working days, weekends and full days between two dates.

Grams to carats

Service for converting grams to carats and vice versa. A gram is a unit of mass measurement, equating to precisely 5 carats.

Grams to milligrams

Service for converting grams to milligrams and vice versa. Gram is a unit of mass equal to 1000 milligrams.

Grams to ounces

Service for converting grams to ounces and vice versa. One ounce is equal to 28.35 grams, a troy ounce is 31.1 grams.

Grams to poods

Service for converting kilograms to grams to poods. Pud is a unit of measurement of mass equal to 16380 grams.

Grams to pounds

A service for converting weight measures such as grams into Russian (409.5 grams) and English 453.59 grams pounds and vice versa.

Kilograms to carats

Service for converting kilograms into carats and vice versa. A kilogram is a unit of measurement of mass equal to 5000 carats.

Kilograms to grams

Service for converting kilograms to grams and vice versa. A kilogram is a unit of measurement of mass equal to 1000 grams.

Kilograms to milligrams

Service for converting kilograms to milligrams and vice versa.

Kilograms to ounces

Service for converting kilograms into ounces and vice versa. A kilogram is a unit of mass equal to 35.27 ounces.

Kilograms to poods

Service for converting kilograms into pounds and vice versa. A kilogram is a unit of mass equal to 0.061 pounds.

Kilograms to pounds

Service for converting kilograms into pounds and vice versa. A kilogram is a unit of mass equal to 2.2 ang. lbs.

Milligrams to carats

Service for converting milligrams to carats and vice versa. Carats are a unit of mass measurement, 200 milligrams.

Ounces to carats

Service for converting ounces to carats and vice versa. An ounce is a unit of mass equal to 141.75 carats.

Ounces to milligrams

Service for converting ounces to milligrams and vice versa. An ounce is a unit of mass equal to 28349.52 mg.

Ounces to pounds

Service for converting ounces to pounds and vice versa. Ounce and pound are units of mass. 1 pound equals 16 ounces.

Poods to carats

Service for converting poods into carats and back. Pud is a unit of measurement of mass equal to 81,900 carats.

Poods to milligrams

Service for converting poods to milligrams and vice versa. Pud is a unit of mass equal to 16,380,000 milligrams.

Poods to ounces

Service for converting poods to ounces and vice versa. Pud is a unit of mass equal to 577.79 ounces and 526.63 tr. oz.

Poods to pounds

Service for converting poods to pounds and vice versa. Pud is a unit of mass equal to 36.11 ang. and 40 Russian lbs.

Pounds to carats

Service for converting pounds to carats and vice versa. The English pound is a unit of mass equal to 2267.96 carats.

Pounds to milligrams

Service for converting pounds to milligrams and vice versa. Eng. a pound is equal to 453,592.37 mg, and a Russian is 409,500 mg.

Quintals to carats

Service for converting quintals into carats and vice versa. Centner is a unit of mass measurement equal to 500 thousand carats.